Protecting At-Risk Populations

Blue Compass Incident Management

When incidents affecting the health and safety of Medicaid recipients go unreported, already vulnerable members of our communities are put at further risk of illness, injury or even death.

At FEI Systems, we just can’t accept that.

The Blue Compass incident management module is designed to meet unique requirements for defining, tracking and reporting critical (abuse, neglect, exploitation) and non-critical (medication errors, rights violation, falls) incidents across various programs and departments. To address the diverse and often complex workflows, the configurable platform caters to the specific business rules of your organization. For example, the system can:
  • Classify incident types as high priority
  • Determine incident identifiers
  • Adjust workflows and business processes
In addition, the application can be implemented as a stand-alone solution, integrated into existing IT systems or included as a function-specific module within the Blue Compass comprehensive case management platform.  

William is a retired auto-mechanic receiving Medicaid benefits for LTSS programs. A recent trip to the ER triggered an incident management investigation alert in the state’s Blue Compass case management system.

William’s case manager and providers use data and analytics to inform changes to William’s plan of care and prevent future incidents.

Learn More

The Blue Compass suite of solutions includes a host of services and modules that can be integrated alone or as part of our case management platform.